Flowers are spreading color all over town. We are enjoying taking spring and summer walks in Buxton Park. We have also fallen in love with the wildflowers surrounding the Blank Performing Arts Center on the Simpson Campus.
“We praise you Lord, for Sister Earth, who sustains us with her fruits, colored flowers and herbs” (from the canticle of the Sun.)
The value of unplugging:
Unplugging appliances and other electronics when not in use not only saves you money but reduces your carbon footprint while also helping the Earth and everyone on the planet. Because fossil fuels provide the majority of energy
that powers our houses unplugging items lowers your energy demand.
Following is a short video, about two-minutes. Nature and Pollution
The Little Things to Do:
Have a “2 degrees” goal at home. Set your thermostat a couple of degrees up (A/C) or down (heater) depending on the season to make a difference in your energy use and energy bill. For each degree raised, you can save 3-5 percent on air conditioning costs, for example, according to the American Council for an Energy-Efficiency Economy.
For more information about our parishes Creation Care Team, contact [email protected].